There may be other drugs which could effect amoxicillin so you should always inform your doctor of any medicines you are taking such as vitamins and herbal products or any over the counter medication. Many patients require only symptomatic treatment, but specific azithromycin is indicated for severe cases with persistent high fever, rapidly increasing parasitemia, and falling hct. I am wondering where i could find a list of approved drugs to take while pregnant, just so we can be "smart patients" and not just follow along with what the doctor says. Not be taken in any form during breaatfeeding.
Azithromycin kidney infection Or how long should i wait before taking the nyquil? Azithromycin dosaaymg, daymg every 24 hours po. Can you drink beer while taking antibiotics? You may wonder if you can take diet pills, such as fat burners, to encourageweight loss while breastfeeding. 85 learn more product description safety information side effects drug namezithromax (
azithromycin) drug useszithromax is uwed for treating mild to moderate infections caused by certain bacteria. Most antibiotics are ok for breastfeeding moms, just check with your local lactation consultant or online at kellymom or lll or dr sear's site.